German Conversation-Training via MS-Teams oder Google-Meet

Do you want to improve your German prononciation, your speaking fluency and by the way get some "wired" German grammar rules right? Then this offer might be the right choice for you. 


Our first online-Meet-up will be free. This is just to get to know each other and to find out your language goals and your present level.

You will then be able to decide whether and perhaps how many lessons you'd like to book.

During our conversation-meet-ups we can talk about anything,  e.g. news topics, your personal or professional every day life, culture, daily routines - whatever. As soon as I know more about your German level and your expectations, I'll then find the corresponding material to talk about.


Single Bookings via ZOOM


45 Minutes: 28 Euro

Including first online meet-up for free

Payment via Paypal 24 hours prior to each lesson booked and confirmed, as from the 2nd meet-up.

To start an online lesson is quite simple. We agree individual and flexible lesson dates, for which I'll send you a corresponding e-mail-invitation just after your pre-payment via Paypal.

Package Bookings via ZOOM


Of course individual offers and agreements are possible at any time, in respect to teaching volume and regular and recurring lessons on certain days or evenings. You can e.g. book a reduced package as well.

For Example: 10 x 45 minutes "German Conversation" to be booked in advance, always at  e.g.. 2 pm on Saturdays (or when ever it fits for you) at a package-price of  252 Euros.

I'll be pleased to work out and submit an individual offer for you!

What ever your needs are. Let's just discuss this first and get in touch with me without any obligation.

Go to: Booking

Online-Coaching DaF Deutsch/German
Choose your booked and confirmed individual German-Training and please pay it 24 hours prior to our lesson/s. Thank you.
ab 28,00 €